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Solar Robot - Easy to Make || Educational Project

This project educates children how solar energy is converted into other useful forms of energy. Alternative energy is the future, so now is the perfect time to start children on the path of learning basic concepts behind these technologies.Fortunately, this robot is powered by the sun, there are no batteries required.The robot moves in direct sunlight and allows children to create while using their infinite imagination!

                      ART AND CRAFT HUB

I am a passionate art lover.I believe that ideas are to be shared. Every idea leads to a brilliant creation. When two ideas meet, they generate something beautiful. And so I have taken this initiative to start a new website through which I want to share my ideas with the world.


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ART AND CRAFT HUB - To Live A Creative Life

I am a passionate art lover.I believe that ideas are to be shared. Every idea leads to a brilliant creation. When two ideas meet, they generate something beautiful. And so I have taken this initiative to start a new website through which I want to share my ideas with the world.

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